Get a [email protected] address to use for email
You can only have one Onkho mailbox. The mailbox will have a address e.g. [email protected].
Note: each mailbox has to be unique across the whole platform including other businesses and mailboxes are allocated on a first come, first serve basis so you may not get the address you prefer
To add an Onkho mailbox:
- Go to the Settings page
- Click on the Mailboxes tab
- Click on the top right ellipsis button and select "Add mailbox"
- Choose Onkho as your provider
- Set how the mailbox is going to be used - at least one of the options must be selected
- Select Yes if the mailbox should always be suggested by default when sending an email - note this is a suggestion, you can always change it if you have multiple mailboxes
- Add an optional signature and disclaimer - consider using templates so you can re-use the signatures and disclaimers on other mailboxes
- Specify which email address recipients should reply to
- Press Save at the bottom of the page
Once you've added a mailbox, you should see it in the list of mailboxes. You should then test the mailbox to make sure it's working correctly.