Here we create a custom attribute to track the target readiness date for a client

Adding MTD Effective Date allows you to track the target date that a client needs to be ready as well as future waves of MTD implementation.


  1. Click on your client list
  2. Click on a client tagged with "MTD" (see Step 1 - Tag impacted clients with MTD)
  3. Click on the ellipsis (...) and click on "Edit"
  4. Scroll down to the custom properties section
  5. Click on "Add property"
  6. Set name to be "MTD Effective Date", type to be "Date" and position to 0
  7. Click on "Save"
  8. Set the MTD Effective Date for the client you've chosen
  9. Click on "Save" for the client panel

Note: you will need to repeat this process once for each type of impacted client e.g. Sole Trader, Limited Company etc.

If you're interested, there's a quick animated version of the steps attached to this article.

After this go on to Step 3 - Create custom service MTD Readiness.

Step 1 - Tag impacted clients with MTD