Here we describe how you can use Onkho to track MTD Readiness to ensure you and your clients hit the deadlines

Before we get stuck in it's worth bearing in mind that Making Tax Digital will be extended to other taxpayer services in the future e.g. income tax, corporation tax etc. so it's worthwhile future-proofing your preparations. We have included future-proofing in our recommendations here.

In order to track MTD Readiness in Onkho you will need to:

  1. Tag each impacted client with "MTD"
  2. Create a custom attribute named "MTD Effective Date"
  3. Create a custom service named "MTD Readiness"
  4. Add the custom service to impacted clients and track progress with your planner, insights and widgets
  5. Complete formalities at the HMRC website

After completing the above, you will be able to track and monitor MTD Readiness across your client portfolio and ensure that you're ready in time.

To get started, go to Step 1 : Tag impacted clients with MTD.