You cannot create a prospect. You have to convert a contact into a prospect.

A prospect is a special type of contact. Prospects are created from existing contacts.

You will find the menu option for making a prospect on an existing contact's page.

When you click on "Make Prospect", you will be asked to specify the legal type of the Prospect as below:

This is important as without knowing this, we will not know what details need to be completed or if they eventually become a client, what types of services they will need.

After clicking the "OK" button, you will be taken to a contact page for the chosen legal type to edit. 

Where we are able to map information from the original contact into the legal type of the prospect you have created, we will do so. For example:

  • If converting a contact of type Person into a Sole Trader, we will be able to map first name, surname, date of birth etc.
  • If converting a contact of type Organisations into a Limited Company, we will map the name to the legal name of the company etc.

You complete the contact details in the normal way and then press save.

After creating your first prospect(s), you can search for them using the contact list: